jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2009

My Goals for 2010

Happy New Year!!!

I wish you all a wonderful 2010, full of love, joy and happiness, warm cuddly hugs, great sex, deep harmonious connections, fun conflicts to solve, lots of laughter, dramatic heartbreaks and crazy butterflies in your stomach!

My goals for 2010 are very simple:

1) Start a business as a Soul Realignment practitioner and make 1600€/month by the end of the year.

2) Lose 5kg.

I am very excited! I talked a lot about it with my spirit guides in the last two days. We hammered out great plans! I asked them for specific tips about diet, fitness and business. They told me which kind of diet and exercise is most aligned with my soul's highest path and purpose, the highest good of all, and my goals, and gave me some additional tips. They also outlined an action plan for me in order to launch my business successfully.

I love my spirit guides. They're such great assistants. :-)

My general intention for 2010 is to show some size. What I call "size" is an attitude, an energy, that I intuitively understand, but have a hard time explaining. It's about my ability to make a difference in the world. It's also about living up to my potential and fulfilling my life purpose. Showing some real size also means dedicating my life to the highest good of all no matter what that entails. I cannot yet really explain it, but you hopefully will see it in me soon.

Looks like my 2010 will be challenging, exciting, fun, and sexy! What about yours?

Norway Pics

I didn't take many pictures during my Norway trip. Most of the time, I just enjoyed the moment and did not think of my camera. The rest of the time, it was too dark to take decent pics. Here are a few of them though.

This is my "bonnet with holes in it", that no Norwegian in their right mind would ever wear, according to Tarjei. In the background, King Harald's castle in Oslo.

Here is the castle:

And the view on Oslo from the castle:

The opera: good sungazing spot, according to Víkþórr.

It's fun, you can go on the roof!

Here we are, the two of us, on the roof of the opera:

It was damn cold!

Oslo in the middle of the afternoon:

After Oslo, I went to visit Tarjei in Seljord:

I loved the snow and the mountains.

And the pretty houses!

At night (which means basically for twenty hours a day) the town was really cozy.

When I came back to Oslo, there was snow there too, and it was even colder than before. Tarjei and Víkþórr sharing gloves:

And me again:

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

One Hot Month in the Cold - My First Norway Trip

I was right! There are polar bears everywhere on the streets in Norway! The only difference between them and normal polar bears is that they look like humans and are called "Norwegians". But the behavior is the same. :þ

I have found Norwegian people to be of the "rough with a big heart" kind. For my French standards, they're totally rude. They're gruff, unemotional, and have this hard vibe in them. It is in their manners, in their language, in their faces, everywhere. I like it. It is sexy. Lots of very beautiful people there. Behind the icy toughness wall, I have found them to be warm-hearted, genuine and friendly. Those I got to know better revealed themselves as extremely charming, lovely and very funny people. I laughed even more than usually there, and had a lot of fun!

It is a shame. I spent one month in Norway and did not see one single fjord! I stayed only in Oslo and in a town called Seljord that is in a rural area of Vest Telemark. I did not do much sightseeing. I saw mountains in Seljord, but did not climb on any. At least I went for walks in the snow, there was lots of it. But my landscape admiring was very limited. Same when I was in Oslo. I went to see a nice park and climbed on the roof of the opera, but did not have time for the viking ship museum or any other cultural stuff.

The main focus of the trip was clearly people. Of course I spent time with Víkþóri whom I hadn't seen in months, but also met some wonderful new people. Some I already closely knew online or had heard a lot about, so I was happy to meet them in person at last. Others were previously completely unknown to me. I spent most of my time focused on getting to know them better and enjoying their company. There are also people that I would have loved to meet but did not have the opportunity to. I hope to see them next time.

Going to Norway broadened my horizons and pushed me out of my comfort zone in many ways. I did things I had never done before, like juggling, wearing a strap-on during sex, giving Soul Realignment readings in person, writing Norse in runes or hugging several persons at the same time. I also did things that I am totally scared of, for example singing. A lot happened. I met very sexy men, two of which I immediately fell in love with. I was forced to dance salsa, to wrestle, to spy on the naked neighbors, and to watch two and a half Austin Powers movies, which was really hard. I got drunk from drinking half an alcohol free beer. There was an extraordinary connection while dancing with my friend Tarjei, lots and lots of cuddling, hugging and happy loving moments, a spontaneous session of collective cross-dressing, a big heartbreak, hot sex, and some challenging situations. It was awesome.

Unfortunately I didn't learn much Norwegian. But hearing it every day was such a delight! I was happy and fulfilled. I tried to pretend that I was Norwegian when shopping alone, but it never worked. I used all the right words, said "Hei" and "Ja takk" or "Nei takk" when they asked "Blablablapoosa" (which means if I want a bag) and "Hav det godt" when leaving...  but they just heard the weird accent and replied in English. Damn! Tarjei said that I am also way too short to be Norwegian and that my clothes looked too foreign. No Norwegian in their right mind would wear a bonnet with holes in it, he said. Oh well.

I also discovered Swedish when I met a Swede called Michael. I had never heard Swedish before and swooned every time he was speaking it. It is way softer than Norwegian, and very sexy. When he was talking with me in Swedish, I didn't understand a word but just closed my eyes and felt happy. It felt like he was caressing me, when maybe he was talking about doing the laundry? Maybe I just find Swedish so sexy because Michael is such a beautiful and sexy man, I don't know.

This trip definitely was a deeply transformational experience. I feel that I came back as a different person. There just was not enough time. There are so many things that I didn't get to do! Now I am more than ever in love with Norway. I want to go live there as soon as possible.

Even though they don't seem to have much of an ecological consciousness! It was pretty much impossible to find any organic food outside of Oslo, and even in Oslo there wasn't much. I was also shocked when I saw the huge amounts of plastic that they use to package everything they sell, especially fruit and veggies. Every single lettuce comes in a plastic box with a plastic bag around it. And the garbage does not even get properly sorted and recycled. I don't want to know how much waste they produce every year.

And the weather? Oh yeah. Big shock when I arrived. I realized that my "winter coat" is a joke there. So are my other French clothes. Stealing a big woolen pullover from Víkþóri helped. I don't like wearing wool (it's not vegan) (and it itches and scratches) but I was just desperate.

My lungs were hurting because of the cold air. I tried to walk barefoot, that was bearable for ten or fifteen minutes but more was impossible. My feet weren't used to shoes anymore and started to bleed and hurt when I wore some. My lips suffered a lot too. I had to give up on my cold showering habit. As I have discovered, cold water is not equally cold everywhere! The one in Norway is evil. I even went back to sleeping on beds, mattresses and couches instead of on the floor because I was freezing my ass off at night.

After a while of bitching around about the weather, I surrendered. Fortunately, I had taken my big hiking shoes with me. I bought a few pairs of really warm socks to go with them, wore pants and a long skirt one above the other and adopted the stolen pullover as my daily companion. Wearing hiking shoes together with a gothic skirt definitely offends my sense of style, but I didn't care.

In the end I got used to the cold. I even loved it! Cold, gray, wet weather has always been my absolute favorite anyway. I very much enjoyed taking walks in the snow. I love snow, skies of steel and this biting cold when the temperatures go down to  -10 or -15°c. The last week, I was disappointed when it was only -8°c. I even loved the four little hours of real daylight and the fact that it's completely dark at 3:30pm. It's cozy. This way the evening lasts for many hours. I like evenings.

Now the plan is to focus on completing my Soul Realignment course, then start my business as a practitioner, and as soon as I can afford it, emigrate!

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

My First Reading

I gave my very first Soul Realignment reading to my very first practice client. It was much more exciting than the first time I had sex. And also much scarier. When I was on Skype, about to tell him what I found in his soul record, I was terrified.

Him: So, let's do it.
Me: Noooo! I'm scared!
Him: Come on, tell me.
Me: No, I'm too shy!

Despite all the nervousness and insecurity, I eventually managed, and it went quite well! Now I am very curious to see how he will do and how his life will change in the coming weeks and months.

I will never forget about him, that's for sure. The first notch on my belt!

The most incredibly awesome part of the whole work for me was the clearing of his soul record. I saw it happen. I saw his Higher Self, at first surrounded with dark crappy stuff, and then this dark crappy stuff disappeared and was progressively replaced with bright light. I felt very warm in my chest during the process.

When we were done with it, and he was standing there, strong and clean, with his spheres of protection up, I saw him for what he really is. I saw an incredibly beautiful soul, standing there, in all its magnificent, powerful glory, like a knight in shining armor. I will never forget the deep joy I felt in that moment.

I love my job.