martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

You Have Millions of Next-Door Neighbors

Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. My grandmother asked me to find one of those old-fashioned, non-electric tea kettles for her, so I went on a shopping expedition today - which I only did because I love my mother and grandmother dearly, 'cause I hate shopping. When I came back, victorious, with an authentic old-fashioned, non-electric tea kettle in stainless steel under my arm, I met two enormous, ferocious looking dogs on the street.

I was happy to see them, I love dogs and they generally like me too. Those two came and greeted me in a very friendly way, and I went all "You're one cute doggie!!!". They had three humans with them, a female and two males. The female asked me if I'm not scared. I replied that no, I'm not scared of dogs. She said something about being new in the neighborhood and everybody being scared of the dogs, so I welcomed her in her new environment, and we talked for a few minutes about how she's just moving in on the fourth floor, that I live a few streets from there, that the neighborhood is very quiet and nice and where to take the dogs for a walk.

After a few minutes of nice conversation I wished everybody a nice day and left. The humans seemed a bit surprised about my friendliness. I don't understand that. I don't get why people are surprised when other people are friendly to them. Friendliness is default! Being friendly is like being happy: you need no specific reason for that.

This incident reminded me of another one that happened in summer. Víkþórr came to visit, and after we had been outside together a few times he once said to me: "You talk with everybody as if they were your next-door neighbors". This sentence still continues to stupefy me. Because, well... they are! Duh.

Even when someone lives a few streets away, or in another city, or in another country, they still are my next-door neighbors! Ever heard of quantum teleportation or psychic abilities? Distance isn't relevant. We are all connected, whether we are one meter or five thousand kilometers away from each other. Why would person A be more worthy of my friendliness than person B, just because A happens to live closer to me than B?

You have millions and millions of next-door neighbors. Isn't that wonderful? :-)

2 comentarios:

  1. You are so special! People are afraid because something has happened around us, this society has become insensible to others feelings. If you are too friendly to a stranger, he may think you want to harm him and viceversa. And it may happen, some places in the world are more "dangerous" than others. That is the reason that in big cities most ignore the ones who suffer because the are "afraid" of being hurt by those who seem to need help.

    Yet, we need to change things, don't we? If we keep this insanity going, where will we end up???

    We need to be sensible again, to listen to nature, including ourselves and what is around us. If we were more aware, we may see those in need and we could also see if there is imminent danger around. By being blind, we only get lost in translation. Right?

    Love, you, wonderful heart!

  2. Yes exactly, it's as you two are saying. When I'm too friendly, people seem to think I either want something from them or that I have some evil hidden plan. :D This is funny.

    But all this is just fear. And the antidote to fear is love! So let's just love everybody and the fear will go away. :-)

    Big hugs to you two wonderful beings. <3


    PS: Andy, thanks for the link. This is a very interesting method for sure! It would be difficult for me though, because I learn Høgnorsk, no Bokmål, and most Norwegian I find online is Bokmål. There is wikipedia in Nynorsk, but this is even more confusing: it's very similar but not quite the same...
